Wednesday 20 November 2013


Nature is visible almost everywhere. I created this experiment to convey this and present a sample to demonstrate a diversity of nature and its forms. It consists of three different sized acetate boxes placed within one another, demonstrating the idea that we are surrounded by nature. Each box has a different digital printed drawing on them to demonstrate the different elements found in nature. This experiment was small scale but I could imagine this being presented to an extremely large architectural space that allows the audience to move in and out of each box (room/space). I am intrigued that most of my interior aimed experiments have made me think larger in the form of architectural spaces.

This sample was created for experimenting with the material acetate and movement. All of my samples so far have been created with a certain precision in order to convey the 'order' within my theme of 'Order and Chaos'. The shapes created remind me of fish, I digitally printed a drawing I did of shells on the acetate surface, the individual structure of the pattern portrayed the 'order' within my theme as the height, width and colour was consistent, the composition is where I began to play around with the 'chaos' within my theme. At first, I began laying them out in a similar position to that of Claire Brewster's, 'Tropical Birds'. I found this layout to be too ordered so I began being more loose with the composition, by letting them lie where they fell, stacking them sporadically, placing them closer/further apart whilst recording it as I went along. From what was pictured, I could not see where these could fit within art, so I drew from them and what I drew gave me more of a composition idea than the actual pieces themselves did. The 'fish' positioned close together and attached would create an interesting sphere form, inspired by my digital drawing; it implies the aspects of flexibility and movement. From this, I could imagine this experiment leading onto a sphere shaped, interior light shade that would reflect the 'fish' shapes across a room.

I chose to work with paper and acetate in my experimental work because they hold structure incredibly well but as my experimental work progressed acetate became a prominent source for material choice because of its opaqueness but with that came acetate's faults, being that flexibility and movement was limited. This sample was about experimenting with these elements. I do like working precise but with movement and flexibility, the outcomes are not restricted. I find that flexibility and movement is not essential when creating my pieces but that it becomes an issue when considering composition, giving my pieces flexibility and movement limits the chance of breakages as it is made with change in mind. I chose to work with circles to add variety within my experimental work, I placed each circle slightly on top of each other to represent chaos from my theme, the repeated patterns printed on them, placed any way added to this also. As much as I like the option of movement in my pieces, I think it would limit my outcomes to 2-d and it is 3-d that I want my work to aim towards.


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