Thursday, 16 January 2014

Experimentation- Laser Engraving...

Firstly, I wanted to experiment with engraving my designs of natural forms onto acetate because it so far had proved to be a positive and prospective material to use. However, my first attempt failed, I finished with a pile of burnt acetate because the laser did not engrave, it laser cut straight through the material because of the measurements I had applied to the setting. From this, I reset the settings, which resulted in a successful outcome, I did manage to engrave one of my natural form designs onto acetate, however the result was not as good as expected. The engraved design in some light is barely visible which was extremely disappointing as using acetate these were the either two ways the result was going to result in, both not promising outcomes.

As engraving onto acetate was unsuccessful, I decided to experiment with transparent plastics once again. The strength and thickness of the plastic worked better when engraving into it but the material itself lacks the fluidity that made acetate successful for working towards and creating 3-dimensional forms. Presently, material choice needs further consideration.

 I want my material to hold the specific elements of transparency, slight fluidity for bending and can be engraved or printed on.

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