Monday, 20 January 2014

My last tutorial before the holidays...

My Last Tutorial before the Holidays

I had three concerns before going into tutorial these were:

1.  I needed to find other method/techniques that would allow me to transfer my digital drawings onto a surface.

2.  When working bigger, what materials would I use? Acetate works for small-scale samples but larger acetate would not be long lasting and currently I want a single piece of material that can be etched to create folds to create 3-d net shapes but finding one thin enough yet strong is difficult, it also has to be transparent.

3.  Scale is currently a major issue, I want to create something large scale that aims towards a gallery space so it has to be large but I am unsure of how to achieve this, to work in multiples or work with separate pieces and then join them together to create one piece.

All of these concerns are holding me back from developing my visual samples further. I know I want to include my digital designs based on natural forms and connect them to geometric forms but finding the best combination is difficult but exciting to experiment. After tutorial and discussing these issues with my tutor and other students, I came up with starting solutions that would give me something to work from and develop:

1.  The new method of transferring my digital drawings onto a translucent material will be print medium. My specialism is print and I have been considering applying print from the start so now seems a good of place as any to begin integrating this within my final project. As I will be using clear materials it is incredibly important that my prints be created with a good quality finish so I have decided to use pigment binder, this will give my work a clean and clear finish with hopefully no watermarks.

2.  I gave material choice a lot of thought and without laser cutting them and working with the materials specifically it is hard to distinguish what would work. I decided to select materials that have the following qualities within them, they have to be thin, clear, and strong enough to hold shape and they have to be able to fold once certain lines are engraved. I have decided to start experimental work with thicker acetate and Perspex.

3.  Scale is something that needs to be explored, over the Christmas holidays I will experiment with multiples and working larger in singular areas that will be put together upon construction.

Other aspects to continue and be aware off:

1.  Decide and prepare digital drawings that I will want to print with, print twice on acetate, and do this process for four designs.

2.  Explore different formats and shapes.

3.  Prepare illustrator with net shapes that will be used on new materials for testing.

4.  If I am using multiples, consider how they would all attach together.

5.  Decide on a Live Brief, Humpties or Bradford.

6.  Re-look over my Learning Agreement.

7.  Make sure my blog and sketchbook are up to date.

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